Prima di svolgere il test leggete attentamente quanto segue:
  1. Completate gli esercizi in tutte le parti. Se non sapete una risposta, non segnate a caso o cercate di indovinare. Compromettereste il risultato.
  2. Perchè il test sia valido dovete rispettare il tempo indicato.
  3. Verrete contattati al più presto per ricevere le correzioni.


1) Complete the paragraphs below, using appropriate verbs and putting them in the correct tense.

About 25 minutes


I usually visit customers by car, but yesterday I had to go to Croydon by train because my car is being serviced. At the station in London, I bought a crime novel and found it so interesting that when I up I (already) finished the third chapter.


At the same time I suddenly that the train (just) Croydon and was on its way to Brighton.


I so interested in the book that I the train stopping.


By the time I eventually the customer, I backwards and forwards on the railway for over two hours, but I could hardly tell him that I was so late because I a book and (not) out at the right station.


I I an accident in the car, which was true apart from the fact that the accident three days ago.

2) Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before:

About 25 minutes


He had never met such hospitable people anywhere.

Nowhere .

Although he worked hard, he could not finish the job.

Despite .

I’m in no hurry . It’s Herbert who is pressing for a decision.

Herbert .

If the painting were to prove valuable, it would be a pity to have given it away.

Were .

What I like about him most is his honesty.

His honesty , more .

I haven’t heard from Susan recently.

Susan .

I’d prefer you to sign the cheque now.

I’d rather .

All that prevented me from hitting him was my respect for you.

But for .

As a speaker, he is brilliant, but he really doesn’t know much about the subject.

Brilliant .

I realised I had left my keys behind as soon as I shut the door.

No sooner .

3) Reading Comprehension

Read the text below and choose the correct answer: A, B or C

About 75 minutes

Liberty vs Equality

Over the past century those on the left in British politics who have struggled for greater equality have never felt that this objective was incompatible with personal liberty, indeed the assumption has always been that the two aims were complementary. For British reformers equality has always meant equality of treatment, of respect for the individual, equality in the sense of an equal chance to develop one’s personality and to live a full and free life. For this reason it has never been thought likely to increase an under-privileged person’s chance of a comfortable house, an adequate education, a good job or a satisfactory pension could anything except increase his freedom to have a satisfactory existence..

But this equality of treatment is induced by the intervention of the State, either by central or by local government action, which can involve some loss of liberty. This may happen if activities leading to inequality have to be prohibited or penalized, but it can also occur if people are dealt with in broad categories, irrespective of the merits of particular cases. In either situation the application of laws designed to produce greater equality can inhibit liberty.

One example is in education. There is a powerful argument that the segregation of children according to merit after the Second World War into secondary modern schools, secondary schools, direct grant schools and public schools militated against equality of treatment for the children, both during their education and subsequent life. At school some had overcrowded classes, poor facilities and constant turnover among their teachers, while others got stability and careful, almost personal, tuition.

Moreover, the whole effect was to produce different types of accent and patterns of behaviour which did much to reinforce the class divisions in British society, divisions which clearly make equality of opportunity, and equality of respect from officials and those supposed to serve the public, much harder to obtain.

It would be argued with great force that equality would be served if the system which did, and still does, exists in the small towns of the Scottish highlands and borders could be spread over the whole country.These were areas with no private schools, where the existing town school had a long tradition and reputation for good work; and everyone –from the well-off farmer, the clergyman and the doctor, down to the unskilled labourer-sent their children to the same school.

However, now that there are a large number of comprehensive schools in the same area in many cities, would liberty not be enhanced if the maximum parental choice was allowed, provided this did not have an adverse effect on the school system? When parents have two or three schools within reach, and given that these schools all have room to take pupils from outside their immediate area, and if one has a reputation for athletics, another for a more permissive style of education, while a third is known to have a good music department, why not let parents choose the school they want their children to attend? This question of the school environment is accepted as being of vital importance in moulding the behaviour and outlook of the young. To permit segregation according to ability is held to be damaging, as is segregation on class lines, and for this reason the kind of freedom of choice that would produce these results is prohibited to parents. Yet many local authorities go on to assume and assert that it follows that almost all freedom of choice should be prohibited.

1 What has been the attitude of reformers towards the relationship between equality and personal liberty?
A they were not interrelated
B they were incompatible
C they matched
2 Underprivileged means
A less advantaged
B without titles
C indulged
3 In what ways can laws designed to produce greater equality inhibit liberty?
A because they disrespect liberty of some particular categories of people regardless their merits
B because they affect broad categories of inequal people
C because laws are themselves irrespective of liberty
4 What does “a constant turnover among their teachers” mean?
A an uninterrupted presence of many teachers
B alternating succession of teachers
C substitution of teachers
5 What does the “whole effect” refer to?
A the separation of children in different schools according to their capacities
B the difference between the rich and the poor
C the contrast between state schools and private schools
6 How is “equality of respect from officials” likely to be affected by the educational system in the country?
A the educational system in Great Britain made equality of respect from people who had a position of responsibility very difficult to reach
B the educational system in the country reinforced the inequality among the officials
C the educational system will improve equality among the leaders of the public service
7 What is the argument against segregating children in different kinds of school?
A it threatens the subsequent life of students
B it enhances the class divisions in British society
C it affects the stability of the country
8 How would equality be satisfactorily served if the system in the Scottish highlands and borders became universal?
A children would attend the same school without any kind of discrimination
B only privileged students would attend public schools
C they would live in rural areas
9 What does “within reach” mean?
A in the same area
B next door
C close enough to be reached
10 Why are parents not allowed to choose the school they would like their children to go to?
A because they must send their children to closed schools
B because they would be too permissive
C because the school system implies segregation according to the merit.
11 Which mistake is being made by local authorities, in the writer’s opinion?
A they consider the lack of segregation an excess of freedom
B they damage children’s choices
C they are too narrow minded
12 In a paragraph of not more than 100 word, explain how the application of laws designed to produce greater equality can inhibit liberty in the field of education, and what alternative proposals the writer puts forward.

4) Grammar

Rewrite the following sentences, substituting the verb given in the correct tense and using the correct preposition for the words printed in italics, which form an equivalent to the phrasal verb.

About 20 minutes


He was evicted from his cottage for not paying the rent


I was very upset when we quarrelled and I am very happy that we have become friends again.


Throw some water on her face. Perhaps that will revive her


He has received a lot of criticism because of his policy

COME (two prepositions)

You shouldn’t have broken your promise

GO (two prepositions)

The air crash was considered to be due to engine failure

PUT (two prepositions)

I never expected them to quarrel. They always seemed such good friends.


Don’try to avoid it.

GET (two prepositions)

He was attacked by a gang of youths


Building a new bridge will demand a large sum of money


5) Selective Close

Read the paragraph carefully before deciding on the correct word to fill each space

About 25 minutes


An elderly woman died last week after knocked down by a motorist who had no attempt to brake .


A police sergeant asked the driver, a man 69, to read the number plate of a car parked not away


The man said this was unfair, because it was foggy, although in fact the sun was .


After several attempts, even from a distance of two metres, the man failed to read a number-plate correctly


he said he had never glasses, though he had been in a similar accident days earlier.


The question of fitness to comes up every time some medical condition to an accident like this.


A month or so ago verdicts of accidental death were returned on two motorists, both of died a result of consciusness at the wheel


The first, a man car hit a tree, had from blackouts for years.


The died when his sports car crashed high speed he had a brain desease that affected eyesight when he had a headache.


With cases in mind, it is not surprising that stricter controls for drivers are being demanded.

6) Listening comprehension

Listen to the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B or C.

If you can't hear the audio click here

About 40 minutes


1 When you walk “Your paths converge at the critical moment” What does this mean?

A you swerve to let the other person pass
B you stop to avoid a collision
C you bump into someone

2 Why the situation begins to “resemble a well-rehearsed dance routine”?

A Because both walkers bob and wave
B Because both walkers take a step in the opposite direction
C Because both walkers move as though it were a dance performance

3 What evidence is there that we think walking is very important?

A because we are extremely good at walking
B because we spend a large portion of our lives doing it
C because it’s a skill that is as important as talking

4 What’s a “developmental landmark”?

A a point of reference during the growth process of human being
B a code for parents to test their children’s skills
C a indicator for children’s development

5 People, who walk together, “deliberately maintain proximity” what does this mean?

A that people, who walk together, don’t like walking alone
B that people adjust their pace when they walk together
C that people, who walk together, show openly their nearness to each other

6 Why is “accidental walking together” embarrassing”?

A because someone may think that we are embarrassed
B because we are afraid that someone is spying on us
C because it would seem that we are spying on someone or that we are making an attempt at a pick-up

7 If when walking we make a mistake like walking past a destination, how do we instinctively react?

A we disguise our error as everyone was watching us
B we alter our pace
C we are afraid of our behaviour

8 What is a silly me gesture?

A when we tell ourselves silently that we are clumsy
B when we react like a silly person
C when we on purpose make a gesture pointing out that we have done something stupid

9 What did Oxford social psychologists discover about men’s behaviour when walking?

A Men avoid looking at women
B Men avoid walking on the same pavement where women walk
C Men face the person they are passing

10 And what did Oxford social psychologists discover about women’s behaviour when walking?

A They us different strategies
B They don’t look at whom, who is approaching them
C They turn their backs on them
Dettagli studente

How many eyes does a typical person have (e.g: 4)?

“Non esistono lingue morte ma solo cervelli in letargo.”

Carlos Ruiz Zafón

“Una lingua diversa è una diversa visione della vita.”

Dicono di noi

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